Using the electric heating system

Okay, one more story and then it is nap time for an hour with the cats in the back room. My flat has a split plan and my studio is way in the front where the living room is. The study rooms are way in the back where it is quieter away from the loud street out front, which is wonderful for sleep, and that part of the building is also shaded by some large trees to keep it cooler. I will take a little nap and after that I am going to do yoga and write more heating, ventilation and A/C technology tech stories for 50 more minutes before completing my day’s shift. I guess my bandmate is going to meet me at my flat in five more hours, so I have plenty of time for a nap and a short workout at the beach. I was going to work on my cooling system today but I am just too tired for that, so I will wait till next week and do it with the help of my cooling corporation. This week I will just do the bare minimum and get ready for playing songs by the sea on this cool pier near my flat. My buddy and I will play by this local company in hopes of getting some gigs at the air conditioned club that always seems to be busy with customers. My buddy and I have all the gear we need to do shows in these bars even if they don’t have a sound system themselves. I need to go scrub my HEPA filter now and get to that nap.

