Furnace filter in the store

Wow, today feels like I am walking through cream of wheat waist high, as I didn’t get much sleep and my mind is running on two cylinders.

I will keep on plowing through my work and hopefully I will have it done by the time night rolls around. I guess I will take a short nap in 15 minutes to clear my mind and give my body some energy. It’s a good job that yesterday I went to the grocery store and bought two weeks of food, so now I don’t have to worry about that for a while. The local company where I get my food is close to my flat and has some really good climate control to keep you comfy while you shop. I try to just shop three times a month for food to save myself time so that I can focus more on my work for the day. This modern corporation in town is starting a delivery company for food soon, so that means that I won’t have to leave my air conditioned luxury of my office to go shopping for food. Then I just need to put the food away and cook, which is easy because my meals are very simple. I will sort out my heating, ventilation and A/C technology system this weekend and then my flat is clean once again, except for the old and dusty space heating system that I used all winter, which will be cleaned and boxed up next week. I need to call my mom too because I don’t think we have talked in like two months.

central heater